Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Script Buat Ngerjain Kompi Lawan

Halo Sobat ..., nich da script buat ngerjain kompi temen, nich bukan virus but lumayan dech bikin pemakai kompi kaget:
Copas aja di bawah nich:

Bikin Teks Tanpa Henti So Kompi Jadi Hank

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 800
wshshell.sendkeys "{A}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{p}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{y}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{g}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{j}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{d}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{i}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{d}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{g}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{g}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{K}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{m}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{p}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{u}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{S}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{b}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{?}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{K}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{V}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{i}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{u}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{s}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{?}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{ENTER}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"


Copas di notepad terus simpan dengan format .vbs

Pesan Dari TI 08 Mbolos

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 3000

wshshell.sendkeys "{Enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{A}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{p}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{y}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{g}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{j}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{d}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{i}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{Enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{d}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{g}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{ENTER}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{K}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{m}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{p}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{u}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{S}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{b}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{?}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{Enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{K}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{Enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{V}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{i}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{u}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{s}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{?}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{Enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{T}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{d}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{:}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{T}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{I}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{0}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{8}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{B}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{M}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{b}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{l}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{s}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{[}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{@}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{F}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{b}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{k}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{]}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"

wshshell.sendkeys "{Enter}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{TAB}"
Simpan juga dengan format .vbs

Pesan Alert
@ECHO off
msg * Hayo ngapain
msg * Lain kali jangan diklik
msg * Ups kayaknya Sobat dah terlambat
msg * ya matiin aja kompinya
msg * Biar cepat selesai
msg * Atau
msg * Instal ulang aja
msg * Oke
msg * Jangan manyun donk
msg * aQu cuma bercanda kok
msg * ingin tau pintarnya Sobat aja
msg * He he he 
msg * Akhir kata maaf ya 
msg * And
msg * Peace

simpan dengan format .bat

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